

Benefits | Spokane, WA

While the benefits of altitude training are often geared toward athletes, they don’t stop there. Altitude training can also help promote your general health and wellness in Spokane. Decades of research have shown that altitude training is an effective conjunctive treatment for heart disease, diabetes, spinal cord injuries, and other conditions.

The Oxygen Altitude Training Studio can also help you reach your weight loss goals. Altitude training helps accelerate weight loss through increased calorie burning, reduction in the hunger hormone after exposure, and more.

Enhance the body’s ability to use glucose for energy, and help control the blood glucose levels.

Increase fat burning, improve blood pressure and average heart rate.

Lower blood pressure, reduce cardiac arrhythmias, increase aerobic capacity, and reduce hypertension.

Enhance production and release of growth hormones, often associated with slowing the aging process and increasing sexual health and libido.

Shown to enhance CO2 & O2 balance in the blood.

Working out with body weight

How To Train

With every session comes an increased training load, which can help you increase your output and obtain the maximum wellness in Spokane. Hypoxic exercises can help you burn three times as many calories as normoxic exercises since calories keep burning as much as 15 hours post-workout. With altitude training, you can expect to lose fat and build lean body mass. Schedule time on our training floor space, or book an instructor or self-led session in our altitude range today.

Get Started

Ready to invest in your health and wellness? Start your training today by taking advantage of one of the many services here at the Oxygen Altitude Training Studio in Spokane.



Team Sessions

Try It Free

Interested in trying out the Oxygen Altitude Training Studio? Schedule your first session today at no cost to you. We look forward to helping you reach your strength, mobility, and recovery goals.